It is said that it was the pastry chef Andrea Ascalone in his small but evocative laboratory located in Galatina (province of Lecce) who created the first Pasticciotto and that this delight is actually the result of

It is said that it was the pastry chef Andrea Ascalone in his small but evocative laboratory located in Galatina (province of Lecce) who created the first Pasticciotto and that this delight is actually the result of an error, as often happens in pastry making.

It is said that the pastry chef was very protective of his creation, so much so that when someone wanted to make it travel, he refused to sell it, claiming that the fragrance of this dessert would lose part of its flavor if it left Salento.

But what does this delicious dessert consist of?

The recipe is actually very simple, it is a small oval-shaped pastry filled with lemon cream.

More than a century has passed since the creation of the first Pasticciotto, so much so that today it has become the most famous dessert of our land and despite its creator, it has been reworked in many colorful and different versions, reaching palates all over the world.

In short, you cannot therefore come to Salento without tasting his Majesty Pasticciotto, served in its most diverse nuances even during breakfast, here at La Millenaria. 😀